A victorious story of diabetes reversal & transformation - Pallavi Ghotikar

How FFD revolutionized my life - Pallavi

  • Name - Mrs. Pallavi Ghotikar
  • Age - 43 Years Young
  • Profession - Online Tutor
  • Place - Mumbai

Hello all,

I'm Pallavi Ghotikar, based in Mumbai. I work as an online educator and create educational video content as well.

My diabetes story

In 2020, a medical examination confirmed my diabetes diagnosis.  I had already been on blood pressure medication since 2013.

Strangely, my blood sugar levels were not exceptionally high, but a hormonal imbalance led to intense hunger, making it difficult for me to manage my appetite.

Alongside this, I struggled with sleep issues, often waking up in the middle of the night to satisfy my hunger, which was incredibly distressing. It was a perplexing time, as I couldn't quite pinpoint what was ailing me.

How did FFD happen?

I learned about FFD through a friend of mine.

What made me choose FFD?

I never liked being on medicines. High HbA1c in spite of taking medicines was becoming a concern. FFD was offering hope. The introductory webinar by Dr. Pramod Tripathi added to my confidence and I enrolled in Freedom from Diabetes type 2 diabetes reversal program - HTP immediately.

Mrs. Pallavi Ghotikar

Reversal story

Freedom from Diabetes (FFD) undeniably holds the effective formula for diabetes reversal. The transformation I've experienced since joining the program has felt like a dream come true. In a mere 2-3 months, all my diabetes medications ceased, and my HbA1c levels showed remarkable improvement.

Shedding around 3-4 kilograms of stubborn weight was a superb achievement that only FFD managed to accomplish. My sleep quality has significantly enhanced, and I now carry a more positive outlook.

While I'm a fan of yoga, I've also incorporated other FFD-recommended exercises into my routine. FFD has equipped me with invaluable knowledge regarding diet and exercise.

The inner transformation protocol, guided by Dr. Nupur Akotkar, has been a gem in my journey, helping me manage anger and attain a greater sense of calm.

Although I'm still on medication for high blood pressure, I am confident that with the unwavering support from the FFD team, I can conquer this challenge as well.

I would like to thank all, my doctor Dr. Ashwini Bhanagay, diet expert Durga Bargaje, exercise expert Gauri Gothe, and inner transformation expert Nupur Akotkar, for their great guidance and support in my journey.

Key quote

FFD has truly pioneered the most effective method for reversing diabetes. Much appreciation.

Key takeaways

  • Medicine stopped
  • Weight loss 4 kg
  • Inner transformation rocks