A superb weight loss story from Australia

  • Name- Mr. Ram K
  • Age- 45 years
  • Profession-Project Manager
  • Place - Australia

It is the goldsmith only who can pierce your ears rightly.  Same way, people with the right knowledge like FFD only can help you lose this big weight as I did.

I am Ram K, age 45 years, working as a Project Manager in Australia. I do have a diabetic history on my paternal side but luckily I am not a diabetic.  My job profile definitely involves stress working as a project manager.

Stress, wrong lifestyle, and eating habits had done the damage.  As a result, I had put on a huge weight and was weighing 118 kg by March 2016.

Excess weight had made my day-to-day difficult.  So I decided to treat myself by having my own diet plan and jogging.  Got some success too.  Reduced up to 104 kg in 6 months with 100% focus on diet and jogging. 

But I did not know at that time that with this kind of weight I was putting a lot of pressure on my Knees which was risky.  Developed stamina to jog up to 4-5 km at a stretch. But focus changed due to work and life balance. So my dream died after 6 months in 2016.

Mr. Ram K

My friend from Hyderabad Mr Talluri Ravi Chandra has been my graduation classmate since 1995. He told me that with FFD he reduced 18 kg in 3 months and is still maintaining it.

So I took it as a challenge "when my friend can reduce 18 kg in 3 months why cannot I".  So I started with the FFD diabetes reversal program - HTP Batch 78 from mid-Jan 2022. As I do not have diabetes, I joined the non-diabetic category for weight loss.

The FFD team guided me properly for weight loss.  I just followed a straight diet without any deviations.  The first month of the acceleration phase helped me a lot to reduce my weight. I started seeing quick weight reduction because of doing a lot of Surya Namaskar and walking for 20 min a day.

I used to stretch up to 36 times of suryanamaskar on an average even though the prescribed was only 12. Walking was for only 20 minutes but still, I did up to 35-40 minutes with my wife's help.

I lost a huge 26 kg in just 140 days of following the FFD protocol, which is simply amazing.  None of the diet and exercise plans gave me such a brilliant result. 

The most important point here to highlight is that this weight loss did not give me any kind of weakness.  Rather it increased my energy levels and boosted my morale.

I am feeling great and still following my diet protocol. Just recently, 3 weeks back, I started going to the GYM which I am doing every alternate day as suggested by the FFD exercise expert.  I have also got proper diet suggestions.

I am very happy with my weight loss and the benefits that it is giving to me.

Weight loss success story