A Superb Weight Loss Story - Anitha Vadapally

How FFD Helped Me in Weight Loss and Regain Health - Anitha Vadapally
- Name - Mrs. Anitha Vadapally
- Age - 48 Years Young
- Profession - Housewife
- Place - Hyderabad
Hello all,
I'm Anitha Vadapally, a Housewife residing in Hyderabad.
Key Takeaways
- Weight Loss 11 kg
- Satisfied
My Story
Being overweight has been a long-standing concern for me. I have also been dealing with thyroid issues since 2019 and hypertension since February 2022. Deep down, I wished I could overcome these conditions and restore my health.
How was FFD Introduced?
I learned about FFD through a past participant.
What made me choose FFD?
I wanted to lose weight and reverse my condition. FFD was offering hope so I enrolled in FFD's type 2 diabetes reversal program HTP.
Mrs. Anitha Vadapally
Reversal Story
It has been wonderful to have been associated with FFD. The benefits are immense.
The FFD team assigned to me did a detailed study of my case. As I began following the plan, I started seeing remarkable results.
My weight loss from 83 kg down to 72 kg has been superb.
Dr. Kalagiri Sanjana Reddy, my diet expert, has been immensely helpful and supportive.
FFD has taught me what to eat and how much to eat which will remain with me forever.
I tried to do all the FFD-recommended exercises but recently these were paused due to a recent surgery.