A Superb Weight Gain Story From Sangli

How FFD helped me reverse diabetes and gain 7 kg - Sameer Tamboli

  • Name - Mr. Sameer Mahammad Tamboli
  • Age - 31 Years Young
  • Profession - BHMS MD (pediatric)
  • Place - Sangli

Hello all,

I'm Sameer Mahammad Tamboli, a BHMS working as an Assistant Professor and practicing Homeopathy.

Key Takeaways

  • Sugars Stabilized
  • Weight Gain 7 kg

My Diabetes Story

I suffered from COVID-19 in January 2022. A random checkup in October 2022 revealed I was a diabetic. There is a paternal history of this disorder.  Stress has been in the form of both personal and professional stress.

Interestingly, I have always been in the low BMI category.

I never took any medicines for diabetes and wished to reverse my condition naturally.

How was FFD Introduced?

It was through a search on social media that I got to learn about FFD.

What made me choose FFD?

I never liked the idea of being on medicines. FFD was offering hope so I  enrolled in its type 2 diabetes reversal program HTP.

Mr. Sameer Mahammad Tamboli

Reversal Story

The FFD team conducted a thorough assessment of my case and developed a customized plan to address my specific needs. Upon implementing their recommended regimen, I began to see positive outcomes.

My blood sugar levels started to stabilize, and soon I was informed that I no longer needed medication to manage them. That day, I was over the moon.

Before joining FFD, I weighed 68 kg (with a height of 175 cm, placing me in the low BMI category). In the first three months, I lost about 9 kg, which was identified as unhealthy fat.

Gradually, I gained 4 kg of healthy muscle weight, and in the past few months, I put on an additional 3 kg, bringing my weight to 66.5 kg. This transformation has occurred over the last year and a half, and my current BMI is 22.5.

My doctor, Dr. Mrunalini Thorat, and dietician, Neha, have been incredibly supportive.

The inner transformation module has also helped me manage my stress.

I want to take this opportunity to thank all my experts for their invaluable role in my progress.

Key Quote

Thank you, FFD, for guiding me in gaining weight, which has been a challenging task.