A story of diabetes and co-morbidity reversal

Diabetes, BP & cholesterol - all medicines stopped

  • Name-  Mr. Ajeet Kumar Chaubey
  • Age-  41 Years Young
  • Profession- HR Manager
  • Place - Sikkim

Hi all,

I'm Ajeet Kumar Chaubey
from Gangtok, Sikkim.

My diabetes story

Constant loss of weight since a year or two had become a matter of concern for my family and friends. So I went and got myself tested.

The results were pretty shocking. My fasting was 313 and PP was in the range of 426-430. Interestingly, my body did not show any typical diabetes symptoms like polyuria, polydipsia or polyphagia

I used to feel weak most of the time. Other parameters were also not up to the mark which was highly distressing.

How did FFD happen?

YouTube video of Dr. Pramod Tripathi was the main source to know about FFD.

Why did I choose FFD?

After watching several videos and listening to the testimonials, I knew that I needed proper support and guidance to reverse my diabetes. FFD was assuring it. The introductory webinar by Dr. Pramod Tripathi added to my confidence and I enrolled in Freedom from Diabetes type 2 diabetes reversal program - HTP immediately.

Mrs. Ajeet Kumar Chaubey

Reversal story 

It is amazing to see how the 4 FFD protocols are blended into one full-proof program. My diabetes medicines took only 10-15 days to stop. This was unbelievable.

Weight-wise, I had already lost a lot of weight so I was advised accordingly. Now I stand in a good BMI range nearing 23. There has been a great improvement in my HbA1c from 8.1 to 5.7-5.8.

My BP and cholesterol medicines also have stopped now. FFD has helped me reverse my co-morbidities too. I like to go to the gym and do a 1-hour workout daily. I feel at the end of the day one needs interest and determination both to achieve goals.

Key quotes

"The whole FFD team has been very supportive and encouraging."

Key takeaways

  • Medicine stopped
  • HbA1c from 8.1 to 5.8
  • Good BMI