A revolutionary approach to reverse diabetes - FFD

Controlled sugar level, weight loss 5 kg

  • Name - Mr. Venugopal N
  • Age - 59 Years Young
  • Profession - Gen. Manager NTPC
  • Place - Sonbhadra, Uttar Pradesh

Hello all,

I'm Venugopal N working as a General Manager in NTPC, Uttar Pradesh.

My diabetes story

In the year 2010, my world was turned upside down when blood tests revealed that I had diabetes. At first, I couldn't believe it - how could this happen to me? But as the reality set in, I began to connect the dots.

Looking back, it all made sense - my incessant fatigue and unexplainable weakness were clear signs of something more serious than just being tired from a long day at work.

As it turns out, diabetes runs in my family - my mother and two brothers are also affected by this disease. And then there's me: an anxious person who tends to overthink everything.

It's no wonder that these negative qualities have taken their toll on my health! In addition to feeling tired all the time, I experienced tingling and burning sensations in my legs which only added to the frustration of living with diabetes.

How was FFD introduced?

I am a great follower of Dr. B. M. Hegde, the renowned cardiologist and physician whose teachings have been instrumental in shaping my understanding of health and wellness.

It was through one of his captivating videos that I first came to know about FFD - a revolutionary approach to managing diabetes that has taken the medical world by storm!

What made me choose FFD?

As a diabetic, I was constantly struggling to maintain my health. My days were filled with taking handfuls of pills that seemed to only increase in dosage over time. It left me feeling exhausted and defeated.

But then I heard about FFD - a revolutionary program that offered hope for a life without medicine. The idea of being able to manage my diabetes without relying on medication was exciting beyond belief.

The introductory webinar by Dr. Pramod Tripathi added to my confidence and I enrolled in Freedom from Diabetes type 2 diabetes reversal program - HTP immediately.

Reversal story

As I embarked on my journey into the diabetes reversal program, I was skeptical and unsure. But as my course began, it quickly became clear that the 4 FFD protocols were the real pillars of health.

Dr. Pramod Tripathi's groundbreaking approach, combining diet, exercise, inner transformation and medical expertise is truly a game-changer.

And boy did it work for me! My sugar levels are now in normal range with an impressive improvement in HbA1c from 7.1 to 5.7 - something I never thought possible before joining this program! Even better? The weight loss of 5 kg has been nothing short of phenomenal- farewell extra baggage!

With newfound confidence and energy coursing through my veins, I've embraced my new identity as a gymmer - all thanks to the unwavering support and encouragement of the amazing FFD exercise team who have guided me every step of the way towards optimal health.

Key quote

"If you're looking for a life-changing experience that will transform your body and mind - sign up for this diabetes reversal program TODAY!"

Key takeaways

  • Improved HbA1c
  • Weight loss 5 kg
  • Feeling excellent