A Ray of Hope: Discovering FFD's Path to Diabetes Reversal

Insulin dose reduced, heightened energy levels

  • Name-  Mrs. Anu Lamba
  • Age-  56 Years Young
  • Profession- Hospitality Business
  • Place - Nainital, Uttarakhand

Hello all,

I'm Anu Lamba from Nainital, Uttarakhand.  I am actively involved in the hospitality industry.

My diabetes story

Diabetes! The mere mention of this word sends shivers down my spine. It all started when I began experiencing symptoms like an unquenchable thirst, frequent urination, and constant fatigue.

Little did I know that these were early signs of diabetes. My routine check-up revealed the bitter truth - I was diagnosed with this disorder just like my father had suffered from before me.

As if that wasn't enough, my eyesight also weakened due to high blood sugar levels caused by diabetes.

How did I get to know about FFD?

FFD was introduced through one of my friends.

What made me choose FFD?

I never liked being on medicines. With FFD, I saw a hope of going free of medicines. The introductory webinar by Dr. Pramod Tripathi added to my confidence and I enrolled in Freedom from Diabetes type 2 diabetes reversal program - HTP immediately.

Mrs. Anu Lamba

Reversal Story

Diabetes used to be the bane of my existence, but since joining FFD it has become a thing of the past. This incredible organization has given me hope and support when I needed it most. My health has seen a complete transformation as my insulin dosage reduced remarkably, which is nothing short of miraculous!

Watching my HbA1c progress from 13 down to 8 was an absolute triumph for me and gave me even more motivation to keep going.

With the guidance and support that I have received from FFD, I am certain that one day soon I will finally be free from all medications and achieve my ultimate goal of diabetes reversal.

Not only that, but their advice on exercise regimes also helped me lose weight and feel more energetic than ever before!

The 3:2:1 routine suggested by FFD has been life-changing for me, giving me strength both physically and mentally in ways that I never thought possible.

Key quote

Thank you, FFD, for changing my life forever!

Key takeaways

  • Insulin dose reduced
  • Good HbA1c drop from 13 to 8
  • Super energetic