A pediatrician's tale of type 2 diabetes reversal

Medicine stopped, 13.5 kg lighter, increased positivity

  • Name-  Dr. Ajay Baboo Shah
  • Age-  56 Years Young
  • Profession- Pediatrician
  • Place - Mainpuri

Hello all,

I'm Dr. Ajay Baboo Shah a pediatrician from Mainpuri. Uttar Pradesh.

My diabetes story

I noticed I had problems with my heart rate and missed heartbeats which I shared with my friends.  It was their advice that I get a thorough checkup done.  Upon doing that I came to know I was a diabetic.

It is interesting to note that neither my parents nor siblings have this condition.

Since I am a doctor, I know that diet and exercise are not enough to treat this. I also met several people who practice Ayurveda during my search for a solution.

How did FFD happen?

While browsing the internet, I stumbled upon a video of Dr. Pramod Tripathi.

What made me choose FFD?

The introductory webinar DRS was an eye-opener. Everything Dr. Pramod Tripathi explained was evidence-based and impressive. A live testimonial at the end gave me even more confidence. I finally enrolled in FFD type2 diabetes reversal program - HTP.

Dr. Ajay Baboo Shah

Reversal story

The four FFD protocols namely diet, exercise, inner transformation, and medical combined with the help of the team of experts, gave me a beautiful positive result. I became medicine free within 5 months of joining the program. I would like to appreciate Dr. Siddhi Tilvi for her efforts.

My weight loss from 78 kg down to 64.5 kg has been amazing.

My HbA1c improved from 6.7 to 5.7.

If I continue to follow FFD recommended lifestyle I am sure I will come out of beta-blockers too.

My favorite part of the FFD program is the inner transformation. I was able to turn all my negativity into positivity.

I have made an aim to complete 108 Surya namaskars and have achieved 51 by now. I also aim to complete 25 km of cycling.  

Key quote

"The FFD has taught me how to live a healthy and medicine-free life"

Key takeaways

  • Medicine stopped
  • Weight loss of 13.5 kg
  • Increased positivity