A music teacher's diabetes reversal story...from Dubai

Never required to take medicine...thanks to FFD

  • Name-  Mrs. Nivedita Roy
  • Age-  57 Years Young
  • Profession- Music Teacher
  • Place - Dubai

Hello all,

I'm Nivedita Roy, a music teacher, from Dubai.

My diabetes story

December 2022 was a turning point in my life as routine tests revealed that I had diabetes. Looking back, there were subtle signs of this condition that my body showed, like frequent hunger and urination - classic diabetes symptoms.

Unfortunately, I did not realize the gravity of these symptoms.  My grandmother had also suffered from this disorder.

How was FFD introduced?

I learned about FFD through social media.

What made me choose FFD?

I wanted to reverse my diabetes and lead a normal life. FFD offered hope. The introductory webinar by Dr. Pramod Tripathi added to my confidence and I enrolled in Freedom from Diabetes type 2 diabetes reversal program - HTP immediately

Mrs. Nivedita Roy

Reversal story

Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition that affects millions of people worldwide. When I was diagnosed with it, my world turned upside down.

At first, I was hesitant to start taking medications as it had only been six months since the discovery of my condition. That's when I came across FFD, and everything changed for me.

The four protocols outlined by their team were powerful and soon enough, I saw results like never before. My sugar levels began falling in place, and my HbA1c improved from 7 to 6.1 within just three months!

It was an incredible feeling knowing that something so daunting could be managed this way too.

I lost around 9 kg of weight and reached a low BMI of 19.  I am hopeful that with proper guidance from the FFD  team of experts, I will regain good muscle weight.

I would like myself to be addressed as a gymmer. I am confident and determined to overcome diabetic conditions.

Key quote

'Impressed by evident positive outcomes.  Thank you, FFD.'

Key takeaways

  • Amazing sugar control
  • Weight loss 9 kg