A Military Officer's Amazing Diabetes Reversal Story

  • Name- Mr.Raghuvinder Singh Vats
  • Age- 54 years
  • Profession- Military Officer
  • Place - Lucknow, U.P

It is always good to be cautious about health, but you need to know the right way too.  FFD showed me the right way and here I am fit and healthy!

I am Raghuvinder Singh Vats, 54 years young, Military Officer from Lucknow.  No need to tell that discipline was already in my blood which was really good and this did help me to some extent.  But only after coming to FFD, did I realize that knowledge and its right implementation is a must if you want to get correct results.

My diabetes is not an old one.  I discovered it just 10 months back before coming to FFD.  I was grasped with the feeling of lethargy and an increased urge to eat.  So I went to get my tests done which revealed me to be in the prediabetic range.

Stress was around 8 years back due to personal issues.  My blood sugar, and cholesterol levels were marginally raised. I managed my lifestyle and engaged in meditation, golf and swimming.  The levels came down to normal. I was in the prediabetic range but managed somehow. Now, last month my HbA1c was found to be 6.6 which really disturbed me.

Even though I was in a prediabetic phase, doctors wanted to prescribe me Metformin.  I asked them clearly if my situation could be reversed? When I didn't get a satisfactory response I checked YouTube and came across FFD.

Mr. Raghuvinder Singh Vats

I was happy as there was at least someone who was talking about stopping the medicine, and reversing diabetes.  Booked my seat for the Discover Reversal Session with Dr. Pramod Tripathi.  After attending this session, I was totally convinced that my health would improve surely.  I joined the upcoming HTP batch 74 immediately.

High cholesterol, weight gain, and fatty liver grade 1 were my other health problems.  Recently, I felt a tingling sensation in my right-hand index finger and pointer finger. MRI confirmed nerve root compression.

Soon after joining the program, I started to lose weight and all the parameters like blood sugar levels, cholesterol, etc started approaching normal. In 3 months, I achieved an ideal BMI and lost all the excess weight.

I am very happy with the program.  I suffered from frozen shoulder, and cervical spondylosis.  FFD exercise team suggested various exercise options after knowing my limits. 

FFD team motivated me a lot by congratulating my achievements too which is amazing.

Once I achieved my BMI target, I was explained about the glycemic ladder and Glucose tolerance test. I have decided to prepare myself for it and am sure that I will definitely pass it with flying colors.

My exercise achievements can be put like these

  • I play golf 6 days a week
  • I can run a half marathon easily
  • I can do push-ups now
  • I can do surynamaskars comfortably

All I can conclude is even though I was alert and cautious, I needed a good hand like FFD to help me out.  All thanks to FFD for giving me this level of fitness and good health!

Reverse Diabetes