A Life of Healing: From Spine Corrections to Personal Health Transformation

Multi-Faceted Healing: An Engineer, Chiropractor, and Diabetes Fighter's Story

  • Name - Mr. Sandeep Bhatia
  • Age - 52 Years Young
  • Profession - Electronics Engineer
  • Place - Dubai

Hello all,

I'm Sandeep Bhatia an Electronics Engineer and a PhD in the printing field. I am also a Chiropractor who has traveled extensively and corrected more than 4000 spines.

Key Takeaways

  • Stable Sugar Levels
  • Improved C-reactive Protein
  • Improved Heart Problem

My Diabetes Story

My health challenges began early, with a severe bout of malaria at age 11. By 23, I was diagnosed with arthritis, for which I was prescribed steroids.

Seeking alternative treatment, I underwent three years of Ayurvedic therapy, which improved my health by about 70%.

However, the long-term effects of steroids and my various medical issues eventually led to diabetes when I was 31. I discovered this condition unexpectedly during preparations to donate a kidney to my mother.

The transplant couldn't proceed because my blood sugar levels were dangerously high, around 475. This incident was how I first learned about my diabetes.             

How was FFD Introduced?

It was through my cousin's sister, Sunita Wagh, who shared information about FFD.

What made me choose FFD?

I never liked being on medicines. I first attended an introductory session of Dr. Malhar Ganla which seemed very promising. FFD was offering hope so I enrolled in FFD's type 2 diabetes reversal program HTP.

Reversal Story

The FFD team assigned to me thoroughly analyzed my specific case and created a personalized plan tailored to my needs.

It was the FFD doctor who insisted I take medicines to control my sugar level initially. I never took medicine and had tried to control myself earlier but now I began with them.

My HbA1c fell from 14 to 10.8. My C-reactive protein was 4.78. It came down to 3.6. The heart pain that was coming up sometimes, stopped. Cholesterol started getting better.

I am still on medicines but am quite confident that one day I will become medicine-free if I continue on the FFD path.

I am thankful to Dr. Pramod Tripathi for formulating such a wonderful program. Thanks to all my experts as well.

Key Quote

FFD program is the ultimate when it comes to Diabetes Reversal and reversal of other lifestyle disorders.