A Journey of Healing: Reversing Diabetes with FFD's Remarkable Program

Medicine reduced, weight loss 15 kg ... great team support
- Name- Mr. Arun Rao
- Age- 56 Years Young
- Profession- Corporate Employee
- Place - Qatar
Hello all,
I'm Arun Rao from Doha, Qatar.
My diabetes story
The story begins in the year 2009 when I started experiencing strange symptoms that I just couldn't shake off. Excess thirst, excess urination, and tiredness seemed to follow me around like a dark cloud, and little did I know that these were all signs of something much more serious - diabetes.
As if that wasn't enough to deal with on its own, hypertension decided to make an appearance too, sticking by my side like a dear friend who just wouldn't leave me alone.
And since I have always been a bit of a foodie, weight gain was another problem that reared its ugly head as time went on. This led to endless medication changes and adjustments which only served to deepen my depression even further.
And then came COVID-19 - the icing on the cake! Just when things couldn't possibly get any worse, my frozen shoulder problem flared too which felt like it was never going to go away.
How did FFD happen?
Last year, during my rejuvenating vacation back home, I stumbled upon a video of Dr. Hegde discussing an innovative diabetes reversal program being conducted by a doctor from Pune named Dr. Pramod Sir.
What made me choose FFD?
Intrigued, I quickly searched for more information and found out about the introductory session called DRS. Without wasting any time, I signed up and attended the session which left me in awe of the potential that this program offered to reverse type 2 diabetes.
After consulting with my family, we decided to take things further and enrolled in the FFD type 2 diabetes reversal program HTP.
Mr. Arun Rao
Reversal story
I had joined batch 85 but unfortunately couldn't start as I was still in India at that time. Determined not to miss out on this life-changing opportunity, I reached out to Dr. Pramod who promptly transferred me into batch 86 without any hesitation or delay.
Filled with excitement and hopefulness toward reversing my diabetes once and for all, I hopped on the next flight available pronto!
When I was first diagnosed with diabetes, I thought my life would never be the same. But little did I know that this diagnosis would take me on an incredible journey of self-discovery and transformation.
My diabetes medicines have reduced remarkably. I am happy to share that I am only on one-half tablet now. I am sure this medication will also go eventually.
My 15 kg of weight loss from 103 kg down to 88 kg also has been remarkable. I know I have to go a long way yet.
I have never entered a gym all my life, but today thanks to Dr. Malhar I am going for gym sessions 3 times a week.
Thanks to FFD, my doctor Dr. Ramanand Mantri, the exercise expert Dr. Nabeena, the diet expert Dr. Sayali and the entire team, they have made me fitter, stronger, and transformed me internally.
Also special thanks to Dr. Nupur and Mr. Srikanth, my mentor who motivated me during the initial stages
Key quote
" With a little help from amazing professionals like those at FFD, anything is possible!"
Key takeaways
- Medicine reduced
- Weight loss 15 kg
- Great team support