A Glorious Transformation: Shalini Chaubey's story

A remarkable story of Diabetes Reversal & Weight Loss

  • Name - Mrs. Shalini Chaubey
  • Age - 51 Years Young
  • Profession - Housewife
  • Place - Lucknow

Hello all,

I'm Shalini Chaubey from Lucknow.

My diabetes story

In November 2012, I fell ill and experienced a fever, which led to my admission to the hospital, following the customary practice among Army personnel.

During the hospitalization, tests revealed that I had elevated blood sugar levels, confirming the diagnosis of diabetes. With a family history of my mother also suffering from this disorder, the news was worrisome.

Following my doctor's advice, I decided to monitor my condition for three months. Unfortunately, the situation remained stressful and concerning, due to a few early deaths in my family.

As a result, I was prescribed medications in February 2013, but they didn't seem to provide significant relief. The uncertainty and frustration surrounding my diabetes management journey added to the challenges I faced during that time.

How was FFD introduced?

Amidst the overwhelming amount of information available, I found myself uncertain about the correct path to take in managing my health, particularly regarding my diabetes.

However, my husband came to my rescue and informed me about FFD (Freedom from Diabetes), which he had learned about from Dr. B. M. Hegde's video.

This revelation brought a glimmer of hope, and I decided to explore FFD's approach further. With the support of my husband, I embarked on the journey to discover how FFD could potentially improve my health and transform my life for the better.

What made me choose FFD?

I never liked being on medicines. I wanted to regain my health to my earlier fitness level of doing fasts and running. With FFD saw hope.

The introductory webinar by Dr. Pramod Tripathi added to my confidence and I enrolled in Freedom from Diabetes type 2 diabetes reversal program - HTP immediately.

Mrs. Shalini Chaubey

Reversal story

The FFD program has exceeded all my expectations, and I struggle to find words that truly capture its efficacy.

The most striking lesson I learned during my journey here is the importance of treating the entire system rather than just targeting specific symptoms. This holistic approach to health yielded remarkable results for me.

Within a mere month into the program, my diabetes medications came to a halt, an amazing feat after a 10-year-long battle. My HbA1c levels improved significantly from 7.8 to an impressive 5.6.

The most thrilling achievement was the substantial weight loss of 20 kg, bringing me from 76 kg to a healthier 56-57 kg. Now, I am even receiving compliments from friends, stating that I look as young as an 18-year-old.

The inner transformation phase of the FFD program proved to be an invaluable aspect of my journey, emphasizing the significance of working on one's inner self.

As a result, my blood pressure began to stabilize, allowing me to maintain it with minimal medication, and I'm optimistic that it will soon stop altogether. I attribute my well-toned and flexible body to my morning yoga sessions and evening gym routine, contributing to my overall fitness and well-being.

One more interesting thing happened. Due to this holistic approach to eating, my skin which had many dark spots and frequent eruptions and got very rough due to diabetes has become spotlessly clean and is glowing. This change has really impressed my husband who tells me to throw away all the creams, saying they are junk.

I express my heartfelt gratitude to my FFD doctor, Dr. Manasi Jambavalikar, exercise expert Dr. Nabeena N, and inner transformation expert Mrs. Sandhya Joseph. Special thanks to my dietician Ms. Sanchita. She has been my pillar of support during my most confusing phase. I could not have done this without her motivating support all through my journey. Without their expertise and dedication, this transformation would not have been possible.

Key quote

'FFD has truly been a life-changing experience, and I am excited to continue my journey towards optimal health and well-being.'

Key takeaways

  • Medicine stopped in 1 month
  • Weight loss 20 kg
  • Supreme fitness