Is Lauki good for diabetics?

Bottle Gourd for Diabetes
The explosion of diabetes cases across the world is a matter of grave concern. India, with almost 93 million cases of diabetes, is one of the worst afflicted. Conventional allopathic treatment, which defines diabetes as an incurable disease, depends on the medication, which usually increases steadily and almost inevitably ends in Insulin dependency.
Diabetes also brings a slew of other medical complications such as high BP, high cholesterol, obesity, PCOD/S, loss of vision, neuropathy, etc. With the risks of such a staggering list of medical issues, small wonder that Indians are increasingly turning towards natural ingredients to combat diabetes.
Luckily, India has a rich tradition of natural treatments, which includes spices, fruits and vegetables—all of which are readily available. Bottle Gourd, which is also known colloquially as dudhi, bhopla, or lauki, is one of the most highly recommended anti-diabetes food. Bottle gourd is rich in fibre, vitamins, and micronutrients, making it invaluable as a natural treatment for diabetes and blood sugar management.
Bottle Gourd (Lauki) Health Benefits
1. Reduces blood sugar levels (BSL)
Bottle gourd contains a negligible quantity of glucose, and almost zero carbohydrates, making it an ideal diabetic food. It also contains ~8% fibre, which slows down the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream and helps keep BSL stable.
Bottle gourd has diuretic properties—increases urination, which is good for diabetics, as urination is the process whereby the body disposes off excess glucose. With 90% water content, bottle gourd is also a good way to stay hydrated.
2. Reduces constipation
The high water-fibre content in bottle gourd helps avoid constipation by softening stools and regulating bowel movement.
3. Fights Obesity
Low-calorie content, high water percentage, and rich fibre content combine to give the vegetable a great capacity for weight loss.
4. Regulates Body Temperature
The juice of the bottle gourd has remarkable cooling properties too. However, for this, it has to be consumed as a raw juice as cooking has a deactivating effect on its minerals and vitamins. Ayurvedic doctors prescribe the juice of the bottle gourd to keep the stomach cool and reduce internal heal—or pitta.
5. Anti-Acidic & Anti-Inflammatory
The high fibre content and alkaline nature make it an excellent food to combat acidity. By reducing inflammation in the body, bottle gourd helps improve immunity too.
6. Immunity Boosting
Bottle gourd contains a number of vitamins, micronutrients, enzymes and minerals, such as Thiamine, Vitamin C, Zinc, Iron and Magnesium. This help reduce the negative effect of free radicals, reduce inflammation, improve the gut microbiome and generally build one’s immunity.
7. Improved Liver Function
The enzymes in bottle gourd are believed to help detox the liver, and generally, improve liver function.
8. Stress Buster
The micronutrients, enzymes and fibre in bottle gourd help create a healthy hub microbiome, which has a positive effect on one’s energy levels. It also contains an essential nutrient known as choline. Choline is a natural regulator of memory, mood, motor abilities as well as other functions. Consuming bottle gourd regularly, especially as a raw juice, gives the body all the choline you need to feel great.
9. Anti UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)
The juice of a freshly squeezed bottle gourd, blended with some lemon juice is a fast-acting natural treatment for urinary tract infections (UTI) (1). The alkaline content, plus the high water content and diuretic effect of the vegetable help reduce the burning sensation commonly experienced in the urinary tract during infection.
How to consume Bottle Gourd for Diabetes
Here is the Step By Step Preparation of bottle gourd juice for diabetic patient
Step 1
- Preparing bottle gourd juice to control blood sugar levels is relatively simple.
Step 2
- Start by washing the vegetable well, then slice and dice to smaller chunks that can be blended.
Step 3
- However, the taste of bottle gourd may not be so palatable to all.
Step 4
- To enhance its taste you can add other natural ingredients that also have strong healing properties, such as ginger, lime, and a pinch of rock salt for taste.
Step 5
- Blend well and Drink without straining.
For the best results have the juice of the bottle gourd in the morning on an empty stomach
Do not have more than 100 ml at a time, as it can lead to hypoglycaemic (2).
If the bottle gourd is bitter in taste please avoid having it. The bitter taste is caused by a chemical called cucurbitacin, which can adversely affect the functioning of the liver and kidneys. If avoid this, you can slice the ends and cut a thin slice in the middle, and taste it with the tip of your tongue. If they taste bitter, throw out the bottle gourd and take a fresh one.
Here are top 10 vegetables for Diabetics that a diabetic can include in the diet. Click here to read more.
Top 10 vegetables for diabetics.
What is Lauki (Bottle Gourd) and how does it benefit diabetes?
Lauki, also known as bottle gourd, is a low-calorie vegetable rich in dietary fiber and essential nutrients that help regulate blood sugar levels and support overall health.
Is Bottle gourd good for sugar patient?
Yes. Bottle gourd contains small amount of glucose, and zero carbohydrates, making it an ideal diabetic food. It also contains ~8% fibre, which slows down the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream and helps keep BSL stable.
How often can diabetics include Lauki in their diet?
You can have juice of Lauki in the morning on an empty stomach.
Disclaimer This article is intended to provide generic information only. It does not purport to substitute professional medical opinion. In case of any doubt, please consult your own doctor or a specialist before starting on any new diet/exercise routine. |