15 Days to Freedom: My Rapid Journey Off Diabetes Medication

Weight Loss and Wellness: A Holistic Victory Over Diabetes

  • Name - Mrs. Vaishali Charuhas Patil
  • Age - 55 Years Young
  • Profession - Independent Professional
  • Place - Mumbai

Hello all,

I'm Vaishali Charuhas Patil an Independent Professional residing in Mumbai.

Key Takeaways

  • Diabetes & BP Medicine Stopped
  • Weight Loss 6-7 kg
  • Superb Guidance & Support

My Diabetes Story

A medical checkup for an infection revealed I had diabetes. I do have a hereditary connection to this but never expected to have it.  Stress-wise there is some stress on both professional and personal fronts.

I went to experts, dietitian but no one ever gave me a positive feeling. All were bent upon giving medicines. I had concluded that medicines were going to be lifelong.

How was FFD Introduced?

It was through social media search that I learned about FFD.

What made me choose FFD?

I have never been on medicines. I first attended the introductory session DRS which was quite convincing. I later joined the type 2 diabetes reversal program HTP after getting consent from my husband.

Mrs. Vaishali Charuhas Patil

Reversal Story

The FFD team conducted a thorough assessment of my case and developed a customized plan to address my specific needs.

Upon implementing their recommended regimen, I began to see positive outcomes. My diabetes medicines stopped within 10-15 days of joining the program. This was the best piece of news for me and my family.

My weight loss from 62 kg down to 55.5 kg has been superb. The icing on the cake has been the stoppage of BP medicines.

Thanks to all my experts Dr. Snehal Karpe, diet expert Neha Moralwar, exercise expert Dr. Anuja Butaney, and others for their invaluable guidance and support.

Key Quote

My journey with FFD has been splendid. Hats off to the whole team and Dr. Tripathi for formulating such a wonderful program.