11 years of Medication gone in Just 1 month of following FFD's Diabetes Reversal Protocol

FFD helped me revisit Good Health!

  • Name- Mr.Vishweshwaran Ramakrishnan
  • Age- 47 years
  • Profession-Senior Management Banker
  • Place - Thane, Maharashtra

The human body is just not the integration of bones, muscles, organs...there is much more to it.  And health is not just diet and exercise....there is much more to it in terms of satisfaction, mental peace, etc. Am a Senior Management Banker with 25 years of industry experience.

In 2001, I relocated to Oman for professional reasons. In Oman, life was pretty sedentary and I started putting on weight. It was the time I started getting the unusual feelings of excessive thirst, excessive hunger along tiredness. 

I also suffered from a urinary Infection and saw a doctor there. All signs and symptoms were pointing towards diabetes and diabetes it was...at the very young age of 28. 

I deeply realized that it was the result of my sedentary lifestyle and on doctor's advice joined a gym in 2003. With efforts, I succeeded in losing 12 kg in a span of 3 months and managed to control my diabetes. I was conscious of what I ate and exercised.

This helped me to a certain extent during the period 2004 to 2010. I returned back to Mumbai in 2008 and over time started having the same diabetes-related health issues due to work stress and lifestyle. Medicines began in 2010. 

By 2014, I had to shift to insulin and other diabetes medicines to keep sugars under control. I was taking 16-20 units of Insulin until 2021. There were side effects of medicines too. 

Luckily, I came to know about FFD through one of my friends who recommended me to join FFD's Diabetes Reversal Program i.e. Holistic Transformation Program.

I was able to reduce medications from the 4th day onwards of joining FFD in May 2021. Insulin stopped in the first two weeks and I was able to be medicine-free from June 1st week 2021. Eleven years of medication was gone within 1 month of following FFD's Diabetes Reversal protocol. WOW!

Weight loss journey -

I started to lose weight from the first two weeks and lost 4.5 kgs in the first one month, 3 kgs in the second month, and by the time I was in the middle of the 3rd month, had already lost 9.2 kgs (82.6kgs to 73.4kg) and reached the target BMI of 21.

I feel liberated, full of stamina, steady energy for doing daily chores.  There is tremendous lightness in my body and I am in high spirits with phenomenal flexibility and agility. My friends have started noticing a visible glow of happiness and cheerfulness.

I can comfortably say - 'I lost a lot in terms of inflammation, cholesterol, diabetic medications after coming to FFD' and gained a healthy lifestyle, lightness, and vitality in body, mind, and spirit.

Thank you, FFD.

Weight loss success story