11 kg Down and Medicine-Free: Shekhar's Success Story

From HbA1c 8.8 to 5.3: My Diabetes Reversal with FFD

  • Name - Mrs. Shekhar Chandrakant Raut
  • Age - 53 Years Young
  • Profession - Independent Professional
  • Place - Bangalore

Hello all,

I'm Shekhar Chandrakant Raut, an independent professional based in Bangalore.

Key Takeaways

  • Medicine Stopped
  • Weight Loss 11 kg

My Diabetes Story

My diabetes was identified during a routine check-up in April 2022. Despite having a family history on both sides, the news was pretty unsettling. I had never expected it.

I wanted freedom from medicines and to get back to my original health.

How was FFD introduced?

Dr. B. M. Hegde's video introduced me to Dr. Pramod Tripathi and FFD.

What made me choose FFD?

I never liked being on medicines. FFD was offering hope so I enrolled in its type 2 diabetes reversal program HTP.

Reversal Story

Joining FFD was the best choice I made for myself.

The team assigned to me thoroughly assessed my situation and created a customized plan. As I started following it, I noticed positive changes.

My sugars began stabilizing, and within 7-8 days, I was medicine-free. My HbA1c before joining was 8.8, which came down to 5.3, and is now stable at 5.7.

 I lost 11 kg of weight and have successfully gained 5 kg of lean muscle mass due to gym training. All the credit goes to the FFD program.

I am grateful to Dr Tripathi and the entire FFD team.

Key Quote

Becoming healthy is an awesome feeling!