1) Couscous is an alternative to sago (साबूदाणा) made from of durum wheat semolina which has two types – Moroccan couscous (small couscous) and Israeli couscous (pearl couscous).

2) Couscous made from durum wheat (whole grain wheat) has a low glycaemic index which is less likely to spike your sugar levels.

3) One cup of cooked couscous has 176 calories, 36 grams of carbohydrates, 2 grams of fibre and 6 grams of protein. It is sugar and fat-free and contains 66% of the recommended daily dose of selenium.

4) Couscous can also help in reducing weight as it can perfectly fit a calorie-controlled diet because of its low-calorie content.

5) Couscous can be a part of the diet for diabetics if used in salads with non-starchy low carbohydrate vegetables.

6) Couscous can be cooked using water along with tomatoes, zucchini, turnips, garlic and cumin.

7) Having diabetes increases risk of heart disease. Couscous can help reduce cholesterol when cooked with high fiber foods like carrots, bell peppers and onions.

8) Men with diabetes are highly linked with increased risk of prostate cancer. Consumption of couscous which has high levels of selenium can help reduce this risk.

9) Selenium also boosts your immune system as it is a great anti-oxidant. It also helps reduce inflammation by lowering the oxidative stress on the body.

10) Couscous is also known to be a good source of plant-based protein. Hence, couscous can be essential in vegan and vegetarian diets due to their essential amino acid content, unlike quinoa or soy.

11) Couscous is a healthy alternative to pasta as well. It can be mixed with any ingredient as it can take on the flavor of other ingredients due to its versatile nature.

12) It can also be combined with quinoa and farro (brown rice) adding more nutritional value to your diet.


Risk Factors/ Side effects

1) High in gluten

2) Couscous in limited amounts is a great blood sugar lowering protein but can be fairly high in carbohydrates. Consuming couscous with other good sources of protein and rich fibre foods is ideal to balance out the blood sugar levels.


Important Note:

You can get Israeli COUSCOUS easily in Big Bazaar, Dorabjee or you can also check online at Bigbasket or Nature’s basket.