Walnuts for Diabetes: Here's why walnuts are such a good choice in Diabetes

If you have diabetes, diet, and exercise form an important part. Diabetics should keep a proper check on what food they eat as maintaining sugar levels is an important part of managing it. 

We have discussed several food items in earlier blogs. Now, it is time to learn about snacking items.  Having seeds and nuts is a healthy way of snacking in diabetes.  Both of them are full of nutrition and powerhouse energy.  Today, we will discuss diabetes and walnuts. 

Is Walnut safe for diabetics?

It is seen that walnuts, in the nuts category, can play a big role in diabetes management. In fact, a study in 2013 published in 'The Journal of Nutrition has shown that having walnuts can help reduce the risk of type-2 diabetes.

Let us first see what do walnuts contain.

Walnuts Nutrition Facts

Walnuts contain 65% fat and 15% of protein, plus they are low in carbs. (30-gram) of walnuts contain

  • Calories: 185
  • Water: 4%
  • Protein: 4.3 g
  • Carbs: 3.9 g
  • Sugar: 0.7 g
  • Fiber: 1.9 g
  • Fat: 18.5 g

Walnuts are mainly made up of polyunsaturated fat and protein. They have a high percentage of omega-3 fat, which has been associated with various health benefits.

Walnuts for Diabetes 

 Walnuts are beneficial to diabetics in the following ways.  Let's see how 

  • They have high antioxidant content leading to improving the blood vessel function and fighting with the radicals. They give a variety of health benefits and reduce the chance of developing type 2 diabetes in adults.
  • They are a rich source of vitamin E, protein as well as minerals such as magnesium, calcium, chromium, potassium, and zinc.
  • Walnuts are a good source of antioxidants that can help fight oxidative damage in your body, including damage due to “bad” LDL cholesterol, which promotes atherosclerosis.
  • Walnuts are an excellent source of the plant form of omega-3 fat, which may help reduce heart disease risk.
  • Consuming walnuts may help control type 2 diabetes and reduce your risk of the disease, as it contains chromium.

Additional Benefits of Walnuts


  • Polyphenols present in walnuts may lessen the risk of certain cancers, including breast, prostate, and colorectal cancers.
  • Walnuts have nutrients that may help protect your brain from inflammation, damage and support good brain function as you age.
  • It also boosts bone health. They help increase calcium absorption and deposition while reducing urinary calcium excretion.


How many walnuts should a diabetic eat daily?

Diabetics can have 2 walnuts or 4 halves in a day.  Ensure you soak them in water for at least 2 hours before consuming them. Please throw the water away

What is the best time to eat walnuts?

The best time to have walnuts or any nuts is evening because the evening is the time when you consume an unhealthy snack. 

Instead of munching something unhealthy one can have soaked walnuts.  Soaked nuts work as a good hunger suppressant and also have low GI.

Thus walnuts can be a good snack option for people with type 2 diabetes as they may keep blood sugar controlled, help prevent heart disease, and even aid weight loss.

We have tried to give a piece of comprehensive information about walnuts in this blog. How did you find this blog to be?

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