Navigating Weight Loss Amidst Challenges : My FFD Experience

Overcoming Weight Struggles : The FFD Difference

  • Name - Mrs. Rachana Slipi
  • Age - 43 Years Young
  • Profession - Homemaker
  • Place - Jakarta, Indonesia

Hello all,

I am Rachan Jain Slipi from Jakarta, Indonesia.

My weight gain story

Fortunately, I don't have diabetes, and there is no family history of the condition either. However, I faced significant challenges with weight issues.

Gradually, the pounds were piling on, leading to various health concerns. The stress in my personal life seemed to be the main trigger for my weight gain.

Realizing the urgency to address the issue, I decided to take action. At my heaviest, I reached 85 kg, resulting in a BMI of 31.6.

This alarming number served as a wake-up call for me, prompting me to embark on a journey toward a healthier lifestyle and a better future.

How did FFD happen?

I received information about FFD from one of my friends.

What made me choose FFD?

My major goal was to lose weight. FFD was offering hope. The introductory webinar by Dr. Pramod Tripathi added to my confidence and I enrolled in Freedom from Diabetes - HTP immediately.

Mrs. Rachana Slipi

My weight loss story

FFD provides truly personalized treatment, which proved to be immensely beneficial for me. I encountered several challenges with exercises, as staircase climbing caused a significant drop in my blood sugar levels.

The FFD team wisely recommended that I stick to walking, and this simple adjustment made a tremendous difference.

Additionally, their diet expert advised me to follow a three-meal plan with millets included in my dinner, and incorporating soups whenever possible.

These dietary changes had a positive impact on my blood sugar management. However, my journey faced a setback when I contracted COVID, leading me to temporarily discontinue the program. Nevertheless, with the constant support and motivation from the FFD team, I managed to get back on track.

Despite encountering various obstacles, I have already lost 4-5 kg, a significant achievement in my opinion. With the continued guidance and encouragement from FFD, I am confident that I will soon achieve my ultimate goal of weight loss and better health.

Key quote

"Thank you, FFD for all the support, patience, and guidance. I promise I will achieve my goal with your help."

Key takeaways

  • Weight loss of 4-5 kg
  • Excellent guidance