Inspirational reversal story from Punjab

Enjoying my freedom from diabetes and cholesterol medicines

Hello Friends,

I am Dr. Bhupendra Nath Rasaily, a 67-year-old, retired medical officer from Darjeeling District, West Bengal, India.

What inspired me to join FFD?

Ever since my first diagnosis, I personally believed diabetes is a bit of a pharmaceutical hoax and being a lifestyle disease it can be reversed through proper diet, exercise guidance and right action. Hence I was always on the lookout for non pharma solutions.

My Diabetic Discovery

During 2002-2003 I was going through a lot of stress both professionally and especially personally since my mother had passed away.

I started showing symptoms of the diabetic triad - polyuria (frequent urination), polyphagia (excess hunger), and polydipsia (excess thirst). 

Upon doing my tests I  found that I have both high PP of 450mg/dl and fasting of 200mg/dl.

Being a homeopath, I started with a few exercise and diet modifications on my own for a while.

Despite my best efforts, I continued to have high and fluctuating sugars. As is often the case, I had to see an endocrinologist and was put on allopathic medicines.

Deep in my heart though, I always knew there had to be another way out...


Dr. Bhupendra Nath Rasaily

How did I get to know about FFD?

Like many of us, I did through research on Google and Facebook. Luckily at this time I saw a Whatsapp video by the legendary Dr. B.M Hegde on a Dr. Pramod Tripathi from Pune. Its was then on Facebook that I found an advertisement from Freedom from Diabetes which led me to their website.

My FFD Journey

The first thing I did was I registered for the DRS i.e. the 2 hour webinar by Dr. Pramod Tripathi.  I ensured I attended the entire session. I was fascinated, one as a medical profession and two by the hope shown by the results. I enrolled immediately in the annual diabetes reversal program called the HTP. 

I am a very disciplined person and this time my determination was resolute. Hence I followed everything religiously as I was told. My wife despite being unwell herself supported me wholeheartedly.

I was guided wonderfully by all departments of FFD and within 21 days I was given the incredible news of being liberated from all the diabetic medications I was taking. Cholesterol medicines, which I was taking since August 2021 too stopped in a few days of following the protocols. The interesting part my sugars remained stable and in the normal range even with a few deviations in the diet.

 I am still very committed to the diet and exercise. However, meditation has been a bit difficult for me, due to some circumstances but I am determined to get there too.

From a results perspective, besides the medical reversal, I've lost 7kg's of weight and feel amazingly lighter too. 

My Heartfelt Feedback

I would like to appreciate the whole FFD team wholeheartedly.  They take genuine care of participants through constant monitoring and timely suggestions. 

I feel highly energetic and am feeling and looking 20-25 years younger. I get a lot of compliments too!.

I have since suggested many more to join and get benefitted from FFD's miraculous work.

My key takeaways

  • Freedom from Diabetes & cholesterol medicines
  • 7 kg weight loss
  • Looking 20-25 years younger