5 Reasons to have Fenugreek (Methi) Seeds

Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine relies heavily on natural ingredients to bring balance and health to the body holistically. One such ingredient is fenugreek. A flavorful herb, with a distinctive nutty, mildly bitter taste, Fenugreek is a popular vegetable on the Indian table. And its seed is even more popular.

Known colloquially as methi, the herb’s tiny seed is a powerhouse of nutrients that deliver a range of benefits, from blood sugar control to metabolism regulation. Ayurveda recommends that the fenugreek water, i.e. water in which the seeds are left overnight, be consumed on an empty stomach first thing in the morning for a range of benefits.

5 Reasons to incorporate methi in your diet.

1. Regulates Blood Sugar Levels

Many diabetics across India consume fenugreek water in the morning, as it is known to have excellent blood sugar-regulating properties. Empirical research suggests that it helps reduce insulin resistance, making it more responsive and sensitive.

2. Promotes Weight Loss

Drinking the water in which fenugreek seeds are soaked overnight is a powerful metabolism booster. Consuming it is said to generate heat in the body, which helps in burning fat and losing weight. Since weight loss is closely tied into blood sugar management, this indirectly helps manage blood sugar levels too.

3. Enhances Milk Production in Lactating Mothers

Fenugreek seed water is known to increase milk production in lactating, the seeds are also consumed as ladoos (a spherical Indian sweetmeat made from fenugreek seeds, shortening and flour) to help enhance milk production in lactating mothers. The decoction is also known to help get the uterus back to its pre-pregnancy shape.

4. Boosts Digestion

Fenugreek seeds contain almost 25 grams of fiber per 100 grams. This high fiber content is very beneficial for the digestive system. Consuming it eliminates bloating and prevents gastritis.

In addition, because of its capacity to boost metabolism and generate heat, it is commonly consumed during the winter months. This property can also cause dryness of the skin if consumed in excess; moderation is the key, especially if you are prone to dry skin.

5. Raises Testosterone Levels

Some studies have shown a link between higher testosterone levels and fenugreek seed consumption. Users experienced higher sexual prowess and muscular strength as well. This was accompanied in some instances by weight loss—probably caused by the boost in energy levels.

Nutrition Spectrum

  • Dietary fiber (65%),
  • Carbohydrates (45%),
  • Protein (41%)
  • Fat (21%),
  • Vitamin A, C
  • Phytochemicals. (phenolic compounds, alkaloids, saponins, anthocyanins, amino acids, vitamins, choline, diosgenin, yamogenin, gitogenin, tigogenin, neotigogens and trigonellin)
  • Trace minerals: Magnesium, phosphorous, potassium

How to have fenugreek seeds

The seeds can be had as infused water or powder. The most common method of preparation is as follows

  • Immerse a tablespoon of fenugreek seeds in around 250 grams of hot water, and cover, and leave overnight. Have the seed-infused water in the morning on an empty stomach.

  • Grind the seeds into a fine powder—it can also be purchased in this form from local Ayurveda medicine stores—and have it with water or directly.

  • Fenugreek can also be obtained and taken in supplement form. Follow the pharmacist’s/doctor’s instructions regarding dosage and method of consumption.

  • Because of its powerful blood sugar-regulating properties, it is recommended that the seeds be consumed in moderation. Do not exceed 5 grams a day.